Point Of View

                                                              Original Low Angle:

Edited Low Angle:

I chose to edit this by simply making the colors pop with the saturation bar, and adjusted the brightness a little bit because it was to bright for my liking. I also cropped and straightened the photo which I think looks better.

Original High Angle:

Edited Low Angle:

I chose to edit this photo because i wanted to make just make the volleyball stand out. So, I made the whole thing black and white and then made a mask on the volleyball so I could keep its normal colors. I also turned down the brightness.


  1. I really love how you colored only the volleyball because it really draws my eye to it.

  2. I really like the fact that you made everything but the ball black. Being the only thing with color catches my attention more than it would have if the entire photo was colored or in all black.

  3. I really like the fact that you masked the volleyball and made everything else black and white because it shows the real star of the photo. Also i find the wind chime very unique and the way you highlighted the butterfly an dulled out the background was very appealing.

  4. the low angle photo is unique, good job boosting colors and making the other photo black and white while the volleyball stays colored to make it the center of attention.

  5. I like how you have just the ball in color. Since you have just the ball in color it really draws my eye to it. I also like how bright the ball looks.

  6. i like the first picture because its taken from a low angle and the sun hits the main object perfectly
    so it looks like a real butterfly flying in the sky


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