
                                                                             5 Free Choice Photos Flurry Salt Lamp Leaves Inspired Cat


Ash This is my cousin Ashley, she is 14 and a freshman in high school. I took this photo of her on Thanksgiving. I picked this photo because I thought she looked gorgeous and everything about her looks smooth and orderly. All I did to edit this photo was turn the brightness down a little bit and bring up the contrast. Everything else is exactly the way it was before.

Line And Shape


Point Of View

                                                              Original Low Angle: Edited Low Angle: I chose to edit this by simply making the colors pop with the saturation bar, and adjusted the brightness a little bit because it was to bright for my liking. I also cropped and straightened the photo which I think looks better. Original High Angle: Edited Low Angle: I chose to edit this photo because i wanted to make just make the volleyball stand out. So, I made the whole thing black and white and then made a mask on the volleyball so I could keep its normal colors. I also turned down the brightness.
Fill The Frame Rule Of Thirds Leading Lines

The Ocean

The beach is a place I go to all the time during the Summer. I love it because to me, it is a very calm place and i go there to relax and wind loose. I love swimming in the clear water and tanning. Also, I like watching sunsets, as you can see in the second picture. That's my cousin in the picture because I took the picture but sunsets have always been beautiful to me.